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Google is Slow to Index My Web Site


I see this a lot in when browsing the Internet, people who have not been indexed with Google and just don't understand why. Usually the reason these sites are not indexed in Google comes down to the fact they have not participated in basic Search Engine Optimization.
The first thing you should consider when trying to get a web site indexed is the use of Google Web Master Tools. The main reason for using this free service by Google is that it allows you to associate a site map with Google, so when they begin to crawl your web site they know what is available. A common mistake by people is that they think Google Web Master Tools solely with get them indexed with Google, the sad truth is that they wont. There are many other factors that need to be taken into consideration when trying to get indexed by Google and Web Master Tools is mainly there as an aide rather than a way to get in.
You also need to take a look at sites that are linking to your web site, these are known as Back links. Back links are very important to getting indexed by Google because it tells them that your web site exists. The more unique back inks the better, which means your link in 20 forum posts on the same forum is worse than 10 back links from 10 unique web sites. Page Rank is also very important when it comes to back links, Google is much more likely to crawl and index a web site linked to by sites with page ranks of 5+ rather than un-page-ranked sites. This is because sites with high page rank are considered as an authority on the specific topic, so Google considers links from these web sites more relevant and likely to have relevant and unique content.
Get your web site book marked by Social Book Marking Web Sites, this here is one of the most popular techniques for getting indexed by Google in a speedy manor. The reason this works is that these book marking sites are crawled often and Google sees that the links are popular and a lot of people are visiting them so they should be indexed quick smart.
So what does all this mean aye? Well to conclude your site should make use of free tools by Google to allow them to see a site map of yours. Back links are very important to being indexed by Google and the more relevant and higher the page rank is the better for your site. Finally using social book marking web sites is a great way to get indexed by Google a lot faster than normal.

This article was written by Ryan Bailey, an experienced Web Developer.
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